Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year, New Dear?

Happy New Year's, everybody! Me and my buddy from down the street were playing something very strange outside today. You know that anime, Yu-Gi-Oh? Well, we were acting it out, but with us in it. Basically, I was a machine card duelist, and he just used whatever would win. We made it to the finals of Duelist Kingdom, and we cheated our way into matches against Yugi and Joey. I lost to Yugi, but when Pegasus had me swent away, I knocked out his assistant dudes and threatened Yugi. Pegasus let me stay and watch my friend's match against Joey. My friend ended up winning the tournament, and we gave the money to Joey and told Pegasus to free Kaiba, Mokuba and Yugi's grandpa.

A year later, me and my friend were on a boat to an island where he would be hosting a tournament. The most famous duelists each got a room in his mansion, and we basically befriended Yugi and his friends. So, my friend had his room, I had a room, Yugi had a room, and also Joey and Kaiba each got their own room. Note that Mokuba, Bakura, Mai, Tristan and Tea were in the tournament, too. But on the third or so day, things got rough when a man broke into my friend's castle in an attempt to steal his legendary card.

The whole gang went underground after the man, who we call "Red X". We went through many traps to find Red X, and my friend starting firing bullets. The bullets went right through, causing us to think that he was a hologram. Then Mai decided to see for sure, by telling Red X to shoot her. Now, I knew better. When Red X fired, I jumped in front of Mai and took a bullet to the abdomen. I was fine after Yugi patched me up a bit.

Here's where things got interesting. My friend then died when trying to escape from the underground, and Red X was to blame. Two years later was the funeral, when his wife (Tea. Don't ask.) gave a eulogy. Suddenly, my friend woke up. It was all an illusion by Red X. He never died. I then explained to him about what happened in the past two years, about how Mai became my girlfriend... somehow, and how I won the tournament (along with several other tournaments) and used the money to buy a mansion for myself. And Mai moved in, I guess. I don't know. Anyway, if this doesn't sound strange for two teenagers to play, just wait and see.

After drinking some "champagne" that was really only a bottle of cologne, me, my friend and our girlfriends woke up in Red X headquarters. My friend then ripped off the X on Red X's robe and put it on his back. He was the new Red X, only not evil. We're gonna pick up the game tomorrow, hopefully. It was really hilarious, man.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Happy Decemberween!

Yeah, you heard me. It's totally Decemberween again. At first I was a bit angry, but then I got some presents, and um... let's just say I'm no longer a member of Angry City. I like analogies using cities, don't I? Yes, I do. I'm in Analogy City, man. Oop, there I go again.

Just for the record, yes, "me", I know who you are. Seriously. I'm in I-Know-Who-You-Are City.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Everything is fine. Nothing is ruined.

Okay, the wiki is back. According to "me", it was down for only 3 hours. So, I answered about 2 more Hagurumon Emails, about my computer asploding and what kind of XP I have.

"Your puter a splode in 24 hours."
"I'm such a lemon, my timer is off by 24 hours."
"Oh, so now I have 48 hours to fix it. ...Oh, crap."

Thursday, December 23, 2004

The Wiki is Down? AGAIN?!

Looks like the HR Wiki and its forum and fanstuff are down. I got a message saying that it's out of bandwidth. Man, that's not fair. I'm serious, I totally wanted to see what was new on the fanstuff, and I got that freakin' message. Not a good thing, man. Naturally, I'm kinda bummed. Hopefully Joey Day has the situation unda control. If worst comes to worse, he might have to buy more websites...or something. So, um... in closing: crap.

"And somebody's a-gwabbin' a-my emails."

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Saved by the "Settings" Button!

Well, yesterday's caniption is over, and I removed my last name. Oh, well. Whatever. Nobody reads this thing anyway. Except for me, Markie and um... "me". Riiiight. So I just left the aforementioned "city".

Erm...sorry. Back to the super-fun, cooleeo stuff.


Just kidding. Actually, I'll be discussing the new HMB Contest. It's a caption contest, and we got 3 entries now. Caption Contest! I did a badly drawn MS Paint thing of me and Sephiroth from FF7. Interesting results, Mr. Stwong Bad.

So, I'm working on comic 10 and 11, which feature Sly and S.O.E. fighting. Sly used Crimson arm to expand his arm, then reached over and picked up S.O.E., likie 30 feet in the air, then threw him down on the ground. SLAM! If I could draw better, the scene would look so freakin' awexome. Seriously.

And to wrap things up, a quote of the day.

"I love mash topatoes!"

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

No more showing my family my websites...

Argh! AOL news showed "this year's favorite words", and unfortuantly my aunt was here to homeschool me when she saw the word "blog". I showed her my blog, and she got angry that my last name was on here. Oh, man! I'm so mad! There's freakin' lots of [my name]s out there, check a genealogy site! Then she told me to remove my last name, but I couldn't. So...there we go. I'm now a member of Screwed City.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

DBZ, man. So cool it is.

I've been playing this Dragon Ball Z game for PS2 called DBZ Budokai for over a year now. It's a fighting genre. I freakin' love it, man! But I want to get the other 2 Budokai games. Numbah 1 doesn't even have Majin Buu, Chibi Trunks or anybody like that. I want Majin Buu! Well, yeah, man... He's great. He turns people into candy. What's not to love about him? Anyway, Budokai 1 goes up to the Cell Games Saga, but skips a few sagas such as the Garlic Jr. Saga or um...yeah. But I love the customization. After winning tournaments, you can get money, and buy attacks. You can equip up to 7 techniques on a character. I still have lots of techniques to buy, man. I'm gonna head over to Gamewinners for some cheats and stuff. :D

Saturday, December 18, 2004


You may notice I have a new avatar. I simply typed the words in Bauhaus 98 font, drew Nick Lightning, and inverted the colors. I love this avatar, but you still can't beat Thinking of You. I recently came upon an interesting site. But this blog is G-rated, so I'm not saying it. :D Just kidding, I don't look at that stuff. So, um...not much to say, really. Tell ya what, how about I show you a tiny, tiny dance? Okay, pop in "Toxic". What? You don't have Toxic? What do you have? "Smoke on the Water"? Okay, pop it in. I love that freakin' guitar riff. Doo doo doo... doo-doo doo-doo...doo doo doo...doo-doo... Seriously, I've been humming it for a few days. I think my parents are getting annoyed. o_O

Total hiatus, man.

Almost a month with no blog updates? Wow. But I'm still here, and there's tons of awexome updates at HMB. First off, there are now 9 comics. And...we've got 35 members! W00t! So...basically everyone's been posting a good bit. Our newest member, ProZD Koopa, has posted 21 times on his first day. Good jorb there, ProZD. But what's up with that Pokemon? Geez, stop poking men. Okay, bad joke alert. And another thing: the fashion police have issued a warrant for my arrest. I'm always wearing these cool button-down shirts. I just love these things. I tend to um...unbutton every button and let my shirt fly around while I'm pretending to fight Nick Team villains. Drop a train on 'em, Nick!