Thursday, March 31, 2005

I don't like pants anymore...

Well, I feel like playing Runescape today. Littledude (but that's not his name on runescape) helped me out by finding me a quest, giving me a tour, and such. He also gave me better armor. Hurray-ah for him! Hmm... another of my runescape friends is on a lot when I am. I often times sell him my cow hides for some decent cash rewards. Me? I fight cows for the bones and meat. You know, raise my cooking and prayer. :D

In somewhat sad news, one of my cats is pretty sickly. Her name is Ginger, and her eyes are crusted shut. She has a pretty bad cold or something... I'm hoping she doesn't have feline lucemia, because we have like, 20 other cats. And it's highly contagious. It killed a whole bunch of cats in this town before, a few years ago. We gave her some warm milk. She drank most of it. I also tossed some catfood out there, but she didn't really want that. Crap, man. I really hope it isn't feline lucemia. We might have to somehow get Ginger to a vet before it spreads.

"Let's end this before it gets too X-rated."

Monday, March 28, 2005

Long post! Glorious post!

In recent news, it's unanimous that all Earth-Humans eat food. In other news, most Earth-Humans drink milk. Dubya... tee... eff?

I feel a little spammy right now, so I'll make a sentence in leetspeak.

2d4y | 5m311 |1k3 cr4p.

Okay, seriously... I'm working on part 16 of SKF... called Writer's Block 2. It's the first appearance of Better Word for Weird's character, known as Shivers. And Linkk throws a cow-merang at Rya. There's no way that exists, man. Aaaaand... I'm still working on the plot, but so far everybody's just sitting around, eating dinner and getting removed from the chapter. Elly fell in a hole, Marzipan became sushi (somehow) and Rya explodes. In case you didn't know, it's an all-girl episode, except for Hagurumon (me), who has been released from jail. W00t!

Finally a new SBEmail came out... but it wasn't mine. Aww... but it was pretty funny. It was about Homestar's pants, and lack thereof. And we find out that Marzipan is NOT a broom. But is she a bell? That's the old-age question. Erm... age-old question.

This is Sly the guy, signing off.

(Sly's my alter-ego, in case you didn't know.)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Don't ask me why... pumpernickle and blogs...

Another referecne. This one is easy.

I ate a double cheeseburger from Burger King for dinner today. I tasted just like any other BK burger. Nothing special. So why am I blogging about my dinner? Because I'm bored. I want something to do. I explored through several wikis (Except the HRFWiki. I'm not allowed on there right now.) and did stuff. Not much to do on them tonight, though. I really want to work on SKF #15, but I'm not allowed on the HRFWiki no more. So... I plan to post the SKF stories on the SKF board or send them to No Toppings to put on the SKF site. I dunno. Hopefully I'll eventually be un-bannedededededed. Mwahaha.

So, uh... I'm still bored. I've been playing Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: The Game for GBA on my SP again. I also listened to my SB Sings CD on my crappy Windows 98 in my room. Then I came down here and got on the net. I don't think my family appreciates the blaring of TROGDOR, though. I can remember my mom's words after looking at the CD case: "This is stupid." I was sort of offended, but at the same time, I felt like laughing my head off. I don't get it... my family hates Homestar Runner. Why? I don't know. They just do. I wish I could convert them to Homestarism, though. And also Bonus Stageism. Yesssssssssss. (No, they aren't real religions. Gosh!) Geez, Kilroy should see this post. I just made like, two Napoleon Dynamite references.

And now I have to get off. So much left unsaid... I'll say it tomorrow, I guess.

This is yeah... bye.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

It's been a while, but I'm back on blogger.

That referecne was probably too obscure to notice. Anyway, No Toppings seems to be getting into SKF more, seeing as how he made a website and message board for it. Whoo-hoo! He managed to change the formatting to HTML. That must've taken a while. Pretty cool. I've got the fanfic, the board, and the website. What next? A wiki? A Flash toon? Mwahahaha. Probably not. But I'm okay.

Episode 15 might be pretty badly delayed... but I'm okay! And um... I still haven't watched episode 61 of Bonus Stage. It's... it's just not fair... I read the BSWiki article on it, though. What's this? JESSICA DIED?! That's a first. Ironic that she died in SKF just a little bit before this came out, huh? But I'm okay.

And so, I've been palying The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers on GBASP. And I still haven't seen the movie. I probably should see the movie first, but I'm okay. And I've also been helping out at yet ANOTHER wiki. W00t. Man, the HRFWiki looks quite different due to the recent upgrade thingy. Booshwa.

I went to a bingo party the other day. I just sat there and ate, while drawing some comics. You know, the comics involve SKF again. In the first one, Jesty kidnaps Jessica, and we go to save her. And it turns out we didn't even need to anyway. Further proof that Jesty is a pretty crappy villain. But he's still one of my favorite characters. I can... I can just use him for so much... In comic 2, we go to a bunch of contests in Free Country, then Jesty kidnaps LM. And... I go save him. In comic 3, (unfinished), Jesty kidnaps BurnBox, while me and Jessica discuss something. I don't know what it is yet, but I'm okay.

In other news, I'm still doing okay. Well, actually I'm not. I'm kinda miserable now.

This is H-Man the... um... daich? Man? Signing off.

What's a daich?

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Special Level #3186: Possibly the briskest post ever.

Seriously, me and KN should have some kind of contest to see who the most perverted person is. But I don't think anyone would want to be a judge for that one...

So... after several decades of posting about you-know-who over at the SPFKN (finally got it right!) KN suggested that everyone try to get me to like Elly. Trust me, that's not gonna happen. Unless somebody gives me too much soy sauce. Argh!

My days of being perverted still continue, as something keep happening. Something weird and strange... mixed with oddness and enigmaness. Maybe it's a fairy godparent or something. That would be great.

I asked Macen what he would wish for if he had one wish, and he wanted to be ruler of the universe. Strange that he'd say that, because he's a Christian. I asked him about that, but I don't think he really knows what he is. :p

As for me... you should all know my wish by now. Sort of. In somewhat-related news, I had a dream that I was a guest star in a Bonus Stage episode. Pfff... like that'll ever happen. I dunno, it's possible, but... probably not. Most of my dreams come true, but I doubt it.

And in somewhat-related news, it's Wednesday. Still no emai- WEDNESDAY!? HOLY CRAP! I've gotta get to work on Werecat Rampage, yo! Somebody high-five me!

This is N the den, signing off!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Home from Dad's!

I'm home from Dad's. I was playing this awexome game for XBox called "Fable". But, um... before you even ask, it's probably rated M. Because you do... things... in the game that aren't suitable for children, and even some adults. But still, it's freakin' great!

Anyway, I was deemed "most perverted person" by the crew up there, and also by KN. I find it to be an honor to be declared more perverted than KN. *looks at camera* Thanks, Listerine.

Also, we've created some nicknames for the crew up at Dad's.

Jared (Littledude) = Jare the Mare
David (Pyromaniac) = Dave the Cave
Nick (Hagurumon) = Nick the Chick
Reuben (Dad) = Reub the Boob
Bob = Bob the Job
Philip = Philip the Idiot

Yes... I'm lovin' it. Like some sort of restaraunt. Anyway, I'm gonna hafta jump! Erm... I hope my email gets answered tomorrow.

This is me the key, signing off.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Oh, no! It's the test of all tests! The CAT!

Well, I took some of my CAT today. Needless to say, I'm not doing too great at it. The English and Reading parts were simple, but then came... MATH! And it was advanced addition and subtraction. Basically, it had fractions, pre-algebra and a whole crapload of difficult stuff. So... I'm most likely going to fail...

And for those of you who are wondering why you're not a "People You Should Know About", it's because the site isn't done yet. I still have plenty of people to add. Yes, it's true.

And I have two of my cats in here with me. Baby and Anakin. Baby's sleeping on the chair and Anakin's exploring the house. They're so cute...

Man, was I tired today. You know how early in the morning you're so tired that you are paralyzed and can't move any of your body parts? That's what happens to me every day. After a few hundred minutes, it wears off and I can finally get out of bed. But, man... I'm still kind of drowsy. I wasn't up any later than normal, which is around 2 AM for me, but I still haven't gotten used to this whole morning routine thing with homeschool and stuff. Argh...

Yeah, about the sleeping at 2 AM thing, I actually go to bed around 11 PM, but it takes me hours to get to sleep for reasons I probably shouldn't disclose. Well, I'm basically an isomniac. Or something. I can never figure out how to clear my mind. I'm always thinking about stuff, like the guys at HMB, or you-know-who, or the TV shows that are on TV... it's strange. And another problem of mine is that I can't control my thoughts. Somehow, Britney Spears was singing "Lucky" in my head for a while this morning while I was doing my test. I was sitting there, thinking "SHUT UP!" for a little while, and eventually it went away, but then more stupid thoughts popped up. Argh... don't you wish your brain came with spam blockers?

This is Nick the... yeah... signing off.
(Why doesn't anything good rhyme with my name?)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Who's the guy who loves to blog? Hagurumon!

Yep. So, tonight I go to my dad's, meaning I might not be on the internet in the mornings until Monday, when (hopefully) my email might get answered. I hope! Well, I've added more to my website, such as a new email and Paratroopa's profile. Heh, I just realized that "tan" can be used as a BG color on websites. Shweet.

Bonus Stage delay continues... SKF has no delay... neither does Homestar Runner... No Toppings somehow had a change of heart when he glanced at his page on my site. Then he took back all the things he said about me and Jessica. Then he gave my avatar a rating of 100000000/10. Weirdness. Yep, he did it.

You know how addicted to BS I am? I've practically memorized all of Car. Let's just give you a little sample.

"Everyone knows that mechanics tamper with the batteries, so you have to go back to them in a week. But you can't do jack! Because they're, you know, tied... to the... mafia. Look, I know this fascinates you, you fascinator!"

"Uh... you don't have a car."

"I have a car! And you can't drive it, because it's expensive and... European."

"Yeah, that's a box..."

"It is now, thanks to my mechanic, Brad the bad... guy."

Yeah, that's about it. Then I forgot the next part, but I pretty much got the ending down well.

"Phil, it's a transformer. It becomes a hover-jet... and we're gonna go find the Mini-cons, and uh, you're not invited."

"Oh, sure it is. Why should I doubt Brad the bad?"

"Because he's five years old, Phil. That's why you do it."

"Wait... what?"

"You swindler! I asked that my car be new and improved, not replaced with your proto G-1 (?) technology! That's not improved! That's, uh... de... proved."

"All sales are final, stinky!"

"You know NOTHING of my odors!"

Yeah. That was just a sample. I'm done now. I'm not so sure about the proto G-1 thing, though. Someone else said it was "phony G-1". But it really doesn't sound that way. Oh, well.

Away from the BS topic... KN added a new word to my vocabulary. A word that I probably shouldn't mention. Yeah... and so I'm gonna go check out other people's blogs now.

This is Nicko the sicko, signing off.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I sent an email again!

I sent a really good email to Strong Bad last night, concerning oldness, HaguruPoints, and being funny. Basically, I told him I'd give him 100 HaguruPoints if he can be funny when he's old. And I will give it to him on my HaguruPoints page at the HRFWiki if he really answers this one. Keep your fingers crossed, guys! Well, not for too long. That might hurt.

Soooooo... I'm gonna have to give NT and Smtihy more lines in SKF #14. I also plan to do that TNT crossover today. Also, I made a main page for a fake SKF site. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

I'm really cold. We ran out of oil last night. So now I'm wearing a hat... backwards. And I believe you know why. My aunt's roomie said that the most body heat is lost at the top of the head. I disagree. I thought it was the ears. Argh... she's crazy.

I guess I'll just have to wait until Monday to see if SB took my bet. I hope he does. because I really want one of my emails answered!

This is Nick the... um... uh... chick? Signing off.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


You know you're addicted to High Score when you notice Phil's hand turning white two times in Superphil, and also when you wonder what's holding the chairs and table up at the beginning of said episode. I pass with flying colors. You know, white colors.

I love to point out mistakes like that. Anyway, me and No Toppings seem to have this little rivalry thing going on now. And as for Smithy... he asked me to give him a girlfriend for SKF... he wanted a girlfriend who looks like Jessica. So... I granted his wish like the perverted genie I am. I worked on SKF #14 today, and in it, we introduce Janette, Jessica's clone. I swear, I'm getting way too into this fanfic.

LM came over today. He wanted to play The Nick Team, but I wanted to play SKF. So, what I did, was play a crossover between the two. Maybe I'll do that in an upcoming SKF episode. I just love crossovers! Erm... the wind was really strong today, so LM was allowed to come into the house for once. We went up to my room, and he made me play Freakstyle. I kicked his face in... figurally.

He's never actually seen Bonus Stage (despite the fact that we play SKF all the time), so I wanted to record some episodes on my microcasette recorder for him. I managed to record one so far- Car. I've wanted to play it for him for a while now, but ironically, the recorder disappears. Grr...

As you may know, LM and Rya hang out in SKF a lot. When we play stuff, I always make references to that, and he gets kinda mad at me. I think he probably would like Rya, though. They seem to be perfect for eachother. :p

As for me, I'm really hungry. My aunt called and told me to try some of that new Tiger Power cereal that Nanny picked out for me. I ate my first bowl of it. It's apparently very healthy, but it kinda tastes like... Chex Mix or something... I dunno. Maybe it was just me.

I tried drawing an SKC comic on paper this time, and my aunt said it could count as art for school. Meh, this is not art. Just by looking at the first page, you can tell I haven't practiced in a while. When I was more involved with TNT (my other fanfic) I drew all the time. Now... I don't really need to. I've learned how to draw on the computer. And just that is better than what the rest of my family can do. They can email. That's about it. I did teach them quite a few things, so they're doing okay.

Speaking of teaching, I still need to do my California Achievement Test. But... California? I live in Pennsylvania. Those idiots. :D

This has been a long enough post. (Not very long compared to some of KN's posts) So, see ya tomorrow, when The Back Door will be finished.

PS- I've decided that when I'm 18 (5 years) I'm gonna try Flash and make SKF into a Flash series. Of course, not for a living, seeing as how it's a fanfiction including copyrighted characters. But still, I'm gonna go for it. For my job, I'll probably just be a comedian or something. :)

Monday, March 07, 2005

Confessions of a Teenage Comedy King

Well, the next Bonus Stage still isn't out. Apparently, Matt is having some computer problems. But you know what they say. Uh... actually, I don't. I was hoping you knew.

So the HRWiki is back up. The reason I've been missing for about a day or two (March 5th-March 6th) is because I was grounded for being afraid of bathrooms. ...Long story. Luckily, I was still aloud to do anything, except the internet. But I was bored with nothing to do anyway.

It is my intention to start working on that Bonus Stage card game soon. That's about it on that subject.

On other notes, I've been doing prooty okay. (Sick of dreamail yet?) Which reminds me, there's a section for people's dreamails at the HRFWiki. I should get on over there and make mine. And no, Mr. Toppings, it does not involve you-know-who. Okay, I confess. It really does.

So I'm sitting here eating Fruity Pebbles, pretending I'm in Charismaville and typing on my blog. I live a pretty sad life, don't I? Of course I do. But my point is that imaginary friends are cool. *Suddenly remembers a song from The Land Before Time IX* Man, my sister got me hooked on those movies. Grr...

I haven't worked on my HR RPG for a while now. People are probably gonna start complaining. Well, my main probalo is that I can't really draw too many sprites, because my memory card has limited space. Even if I move some data over to another memory card, I'm gonna have to leave a few characters out of the game.

Well, I've joined KN's forums. I haven't really looked at his blog recently (mainly becuase I was grounded) but I will today. I'm gonna do a little trip around blogspot and see if anybody posted anything today.

In summation,
This has been Hagurumon the blonde singer (probably) reminding you that Family Guy is still cool.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Jamie's got a gun, and No Toppings' got a blog.


Yeah, NT. I got your comments. And that means it's now 4 people who have commented. Or, wait. Maybe 5. Did KN comment? I forget. Ah, well.

HMB has 40 members now! W00t!

Wednesday is when I'm gonna work on SKF #14: The Back Door.

I've got to go see if the HRFWiki is back up now. C'mon, c'mon!

List of commentors, I guess.
No Toppings
Steve (Porplemontage)
King Nintendoid (I think...)

Friday, March 04, 2005

W00t w00t!

Okay, gotta do this quick-like.

SKF is now updated Wednesdays.

That weird thing happened to me again... not sure if that's even possible.

I have a cat in here with me. He's really cute.

Corporate magazines still suck.


I'm thinking up ideas for SKF episode 14.

I made my 12+1th SKC comic.

I joined TS&PFOKN.

The HRWiki is locked.

A new Bonus Stage comes tonight.

I'm miserable again.

The end.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Episode 12... plus one!

Yeah, 12+1 is finished. Plus, it has a new feature... writer's notes! As you can see, 12+1 is riddled with plot twists and random scenes. After a while... I decided on the main plot for the episode. Jessica (now the writer, thanks to episode 9) decides to basically erase everyone else from the episode, thus introducing the "DEATH BY MUFFIN!" phrase. W00t.

In other news, I've decided to update Wednesdays now. So, episode 14 will arrive sometime on 3/9. Booya.

Also, the BSWiki is becoming more lively. Most of the pages still need work, but we've got more contributors now. W00t again!

And I added you to my Runescape friends list, Mr. Iceking guy. I'm usually on the Philidelphia 67 server, fighting cows. They drop bones (I bury them for prayer points), meat (I cook them for cooking, woodcutting and firestarting points) and hides (I sell them to this one guy for some cold, hard cash. You know, the kind of ones that you store in your freezer until they evolve into fives.).

In some more other news, the elimination game at HMB has 5 pages! That's an HMB record! Hooray-ah for our most popular thread so far! W00t!

And... Nelson still hasn't explained why he told me episode 56 of Bonus Stage had an ending. It didn't! No eggs or anything! Ugh!

In closing...
Read episode 12+1 now! Because Jessica says!